2013 Sani Peyarchi Palangal for Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius Sign)
The Shani comes out of its retrograde movement on May 7th, 2013. The Shani owns the 2nd and 3rd house for the Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius Sign). Both houses are neither malefic and nor benefice, thus both remain neutral to the Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius Sign).
The Shani and the Guru (Lord of Sagittarius) treat each other as equals. Hence there is no bitter animosity between them. The Shani is placed in Thula Rasi with the exalted strength. The Thula Rasi is the 11th house to the Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius Sign), which is also called as a profit house. Lets us analyze the possible effects of Shani Peyarchi on the Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius Sign) for the year 2013.
Shani Peyarchi Palangal - May 7th to September 13th (2013):
The Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius Sign) would see a surge in their financial positions. They would also strengthen their family relationships especially with their brothers/sisters; enjoy good equations with the friends. The Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius Sign) would brim with huge confidence. They would find it easier to honour their commitments and would also get credits for the same.
Shani Peyarchi Palangal - September 13th to October 7th (2013):
This period would see huge improvements in their financial positions. The Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius Sign) would enjoy good rapport with family members especially brothers and sisters. Also they would experience good working relationship with their friends. The Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius Sign) are honoured and their reputation would become all time high. Their words carry more strength during this period.
Shani Peyarchi Palangal - October 7th to October 24th (2013):
The Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius Sign) would see slight slowdown on their abnormal growth potential. They would experience a small pause on their ties with family members and friends. They would face some questions on their confidence levels.
Shani Peyarchi Palangal - October 24th to November 5th (2013):
The Shani gets eclipsed on 24th October 2013. This position would make the Shani powerless. The Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius Sign) would experience differences with their friends and family members. They might face few obstacles in their financial position. It is advisable for the Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius Sign) natives not to give any firmer commitments during this period.
Shani Peyarchi Palangal - November 5th to November 24th (2013):
The Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius Sign) should be very cautious while dealing with family issues. They would see a downtrend on maintaining the ties with their friends and family members. The Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius Sign) should postpone any important decisions regarding their family and also on the financial issues. Their reputation could come under pressure; hence they are advised against committing themselves on any issues. They would have lower confidence level in the inner mindset.
Shani Peyarchi Palangal - November 24th to December 4th (2013):
On November 24th, the Saturn rises in the east. The Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius Sign) may not see or see a little improvement on their financial position. They might feel small improvements on the ties with their friends and family members. The Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius Sign) is advised against giving firmer commitments and should postpone decisions on important family and financial issues.
Shani Peyarchi Palangal - December 4th to December 31st (2013):
The confidence level increases and the Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius Sign) would experience positive growth in their financial matters. They would be successful in strengthening the ties with their family members, especially the brothers and sisters. Also they would enjoy strong ties with their friends. The Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius Sign) reputation peaks and they would easily meet their earlier commitments.
1. You must read both the Shani and Guru peyarchi results in a concurrent manner to understand the basic idea about the type of lifestyle that you are going to enjoy in the year 2013.
2. Please understand that the Shani Peyarchi results should be read in close coordination with your Mahadasa results.
3. If you are passing through favourable Mahadasa periods, the negative inputs in these Shani Peyarchi predictions will not bring in more damages.
4. If you are passing through any unfavourable Mahadasa periods, then the negative inputs in the Shani Peyarchi predictions could add to the existing pressures.
7. For Personalized reading of your horoscope, please contact the Author MEGANATHAN. G. Overseas readers, please pay through PAY PAL to get online discussions.
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