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The Shani owns the 2nd and the 3rd house for the Dhanusu Lagna (Sagittarius Rising) natives. The 2nd house is neither considered as neither benefice and nor malefic, but the 3rd is considered as a malefic house. Both the Shani and the Guru (Lord of the Sagittarius - Dhanusu) neither consider other as their friends nor as their enemy. Both maintain equitable ties among themselves. Though the Shani is slightly malefic to the Dhanusu Lagna (Sagittarius Rising) natives due its lordship over the 3rd house, the results of Shani Mahadasa largely depend on the position of the Shani only.

Here the Shani is placed in the Viruchika Rasi, which is the malefic 12th house to the Dhanusu Lagna (Sagittarius Rising) natives. The Shani is also unfriendly in the Viruchika Rasi, which is owned by the Mars. The Shani treats the Mars as its enemy and the Mars treats the Shani neither as its friend nor as its enemy but treats the Shani as its equal. Hence this unequal relationship along with partial malefic nature of the houses make the position of Shani little troublesome. Let us see the 19 Years of Shani Mahadasa for the Dhanusu Lagna (Sagittarius Rising) natives, when the Shani is placed in the Viruchika Rasi.

First 9 1/2 Years of Shani Mahadasa for the Dhanusu Lagna (Shani in Viruchika):

1. The Dhanusu Lagna (Sagittarius Rising) natives would experience huge expenses that brings down their financial position.

2. The Dhanusu Lagna (Sagittarius Rising) natives would also face downtrend on their family relationship or some of them spend heavily on their family issues.

3. The Dhanusu Lagna (Sagittarius Rising) natives would face expenses due to their own words or commitments or their words do not bring them the needed results.

Second 9 1/2 Years of Shani Mahadasa for the Dhanusu Lagna (Shani in Viruchika):

1. The Dhanusu Lagna (Sagittarius Rising) natives would lose their confidence levels.

2. The Dhanusu Lagna (Sagittarius Rising) natives would make expenses to maintain their status or reputations.

3. The Dhanusu Lagna (Sagittarius Rising) natives would also face expenses or difficulties on ties with friends, brothers and sisters.

4. The Dhanusu Lagna (Sagittarius Rising) natives might waste their money, time and their energy on active sexual involvements.

General (Applicable for 19 Years):

1. The Dhanusu Lagna (Sagittarius Rising) natives would face difficulties in getting their basic life style comforts (Proper food, timely food and timely rest)

2. The Dhanusu Lagna (Sagittarius Rising) natives would be burdened with expenses for various reasons, which utimately creates financial troubles.

3. The Dhanusu Lagna (Sagittarius Rising) natives may not be satisfied in their sexual comforts.

4. The Dhanusu Lagna (Sagittarius Rising) natives could create problems in their family matters and also on the financial issues through their speeches. They may develop differences with their Father and the paternal relatives too.

5. The Dhanusu Lagna (Sagittarius Rising) natives could face problems through litigations, debts or troubles created by their opponents.

6. The Dhanusu Lagna (Sagittarius Rising) natives would also face health related issues.

7. The Dhanusu Lagna (Sagittarius Rising) natives would also face both the expenses or hurdles on matters related to abroad.

8. The Dhanusu Lagna (Sagittarius Rising) natives may not involve themselves fully in social or spiritual activities.


The results are likely to vary between peoples, since the fundamentals of Shani could get altered totally by various astrological factors. For more on Dhanusu Lagna (Sagittarius Rising), please visit


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