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2017 to 2020 Shani Peyarchi Palangal for Rishaba Rasi:

Also applicable to those who has Taurus Sign (Rishaba Rasi) as their Sun Sign. *Please do not calculate the Sun Sign using the Western Astrology method. *The Zodiac House where the Sun is placed in your natal chart is your Sun Sign (those who had born within mid-May to Mid-June). 

The Shani would be transiting into 8th place from the Rishaba Rasi (Taurus sign). The placement of Shani in the 8th house is considered as highly malefic and the phenomenon is termed as “Ashtama Shani”.

The Financial Forecast Results for Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) would be posted regularly. For results on all other Planets transit results for the Rishaba Rasi (Taurus sign), please visit my blog Rishaba Rasi (Taurus sign)

To know more on your Career & Finances, please visit my blog: Career Astrology

For details on Guru Peyarchi (Jupiter Transit) Results for 2017 – 2018, please visit the link in my blog: Guru Transit for Taurus Sign

For details on Rahu Ketu Peyarchi (Rahu Ketu Transit) Results for 2017 – 2019, please visit the link in my blog: Rahu Kethu Transit Results for Taurus Sign

To know more on Pitra Dosha & its impact on our life, please visit my blog: Pitra Dosha

To know more on your Marriage Life, please visit my blog: Marriage Astrology

For Personalized Horoscope Readings and Analysis on your natal chart, please visit the link in my blog: (Indian Readers) (Overseas Readers)

What is “Ashtama Shani”?

The word “Ashtama” indicates the number “8”. The placement of Shani in the 8th house is called as “Ashtama Shani” (or) Shani in the 8th house. In the Vedic Astrology, the Shani is considered as the “Lord of Life Longevity” @ the Lord that defines the life span of the natives. Similarly, the 8th house is considered as the “House of Life Longevity” @ the House (or) its Lord will also define the life span of the natives. In the Vedic Astrology, there is a factor called “Karagopa Nasthi” meaning that the placement of Lord that defines the particular quality of the natives getting placed in the House that also defines the particular quality would behave in an irregular and dangerous manner @ the qualities of both the House and its Lord gets damaged in this process. That is, the Shani in the 8th house would fundamentally damage the qualities of each other @ the Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives would face death (or) pain equivalent to death. (*Warning: Don’t assume that all the Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives are going to die; but a situation might develop where the natives would feel the pain of remaining alive. Also the Horoscope of every individual would deliver billions of probabilities on the life of every Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives).

The Shani owns the 9th and the 10th house for the Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives). Both the 9th house (House of Blessings) and the 10th house (House of Profession) is considered as benefic to the Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives @ the Shani assumes the role of “House Lord of Blessings” and "House Lord of Profession”. But the 9th house has another role to play and it already posses the title of “Pathaga Sthana” (House of Collateral Damages). Thus by owning the 9th house Shani adds another title to its role of “House Lord of Blessings” @ the Shani would also don the title of “House Lord of Collateral Damages”. That is, the Shani is capable to bless the natives and also capable of creating collateral damages through the blessings

The Readers may develop some doubts over this theory. Let me, explain this with some examples.

An auspicious event (or) benefits turning into difficulties (or) creating collateral losses.

Example 1: Imagine a person is getting an opportunity to go abroad either for work/immigration. This is an auspicious event. But after landing in a foreign country, if he/she faces serious health troubles, then the joy of residing in a foreign country would be entirely wiped out.

Example 2: Imagine a person is getting a top job in a very big organization. This is a major gain. If he/she is compelled to work in a hostile (or) dangerous environment; and the native faces any mental/physical/sexual issues. Then their gain would be dipped in sorrows.   

Example 3: Imagine a boy/girl is getting married (or) develop relationship with a beautiful boy/girl. It is an auspicious event and gain in the life. If the beautiful partner creates ruckus (or) havoc in the life of the native, then it is a “gain dipped in sorrows”.    

Note: The popular notion is that the Shani is “Yog Graha” for the Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives; and this view is commonly shared by the majority of the peoples. But I strongly differ from this view. Hence I advise the Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives) to remain very cautious during the period of their “Ashtama Shani”. Thus the Shani becomes the “Benefactor” and the “Rabble-Rouser” @ the Shani would definitely play dual roles for the Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives; which they must keep it in mind.

The Shani transits into Dhanusu Rasi on 26.01.2017 at 07.48 PM (Chennai as the Place) as per the Thirukkanitha Panchangam. The Shani would be transiting into Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius sign) from 26.01.2017; and becomes retrograde on 06.04.2017.

The Shani would again re-enter the Viruchika Rasi (Scorpio sign) on 20.06.2017 and stays there up to 26.10.2017. The Shani would end its retrograde motion on 25.08.2017, while its transits into the Viruchika Rasi (Scorpio sign). The Shani would again leave the Viruchika Rasi (Scorpio sign) and re-enter the Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius sign) on 26.10.2017. Thus the Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives would enjoy a temporary relief from the effects of  “Ashtama Shani” (Shani in the 8th house) from 20.06.2017 to 26.10.2017.

During the year 2018, the Shani becomes retrograde from 18.04.2018 to 06.09.2018; and again during the year 2019, the Shani becomes retrograde from 30.04.2019 to 18.09.2019. Then the Shani would exit the Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius sign) and enter into Makara Rasi (Capricorn sign) on 24.01.2020. Thus the Shani will be transiting into Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius sign) from 26.01.2017 to 20.06.2017; and also from 26.10.2017 to 24.01.2020.

The Shani would be positioning itself in the Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius sign) for the next 3 years, which is owned by the Guru. The Shani would remain neither friendly nor remain unfriendly with the Guru; the House Lord of Sagittarius sign (Dhanusu Rasi) @ both the Guru and Shani would treat each other as equal (no friendship and no animosity). Thus the Shani would remain in a neutral place @ Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius sign) for the next three years @ the Shani’s presence in the Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius sign) would neither be beneficial nor remain unfavorable. Let us see the impact of Shani’s transit into Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius sign) for the Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives.

Results, Effects and Impacts of Shani transit into Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius Sign) on Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives:

1. The Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives would face difficulties and hurdles on the issue of getting visa/immigration related issues.

2. The Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives would stay away (or) remain isolated from their grand children and also with their mother-in-law. 

3. The Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives would remain uncomfortable (or) face difficult ties (or) remain isolated from their father/paternal relatives.

4. The Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives would face difficulties through their father/paternal relatives.

5. The Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives, who live in an alien environment (living in a foreign country or living in the midst of strangers) would remain very uncomfortable.

6. The Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives would remain disjointed (or) develop bitterness with their own God and spiritual beliefs.

7. The Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives would remain isolated (or) develop bitterness with the people who come under their own caste/race/language/religion/ideology/nationhood.

8. The Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives would work in a difficult (or) isolated (or) hazardous environment.

9. The Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives would create a opaqueness on their professional activities (or) some of them may indulge in unlawful activities in their professional duties.

10. The Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives would face hurdles (or) difficulties in their professional issues; the impact will be more on the people who work abroad (or) do business abroad (or) work under a foreigner (or) work in a company owned by a foreigner.

11. The Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives who pursue Post Graduate level studies (or) research studies both as their education and profession would face hurdles.

Option 1: If the Shani remains stronger in the Ashtakavarga:

1. The Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives would be able to fly abroad (or) get visa stamped (or) application for citizenship approved despite facing the hurdles and difficulties.

2. The Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives would be able to maintain their relationship (or) communication with their father, paternal relatives, mother-in-law and grand children despite remaining separated (or) isolated.

3. The Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives would be able to communicate (or) interact (or) transact with foreigners on all issues despite facing difficulties and developing bitterness.

4. The Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives would be able to enjoy good career stability and ensure good career performances despite working in a difficult work environment.

5. The Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives would remain highly spiritual and pray to their God in a more valiant & vigorous manner, despite facing lot of problems in their life.

6. The Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives would stick to their caste/race/beliefs/ideology/linguistic groupings despite developing bitterness and serious differences with them.

7. The Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives would be able to complete their research (or) doctorate (or) PG level studies despite facing hurdles.

Option 2: If the Shani remains weaker in the Ashtakavarga:

1. The Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives may face deportation to their home country (or) the application for visa/citizenship getting rejected. 

2. The Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives would face deteriorating ties (or) face complete breakdown on their ties (or) interactions (or) communication with the foreigners on all issues.

3. The Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives could lose their job and could remain isolated from their family and society.

4. The Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives would face complete breakdown on their relationship with their father/paternal relatives/grand children/mother-in-law

5. The Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives would disown their own God and may opt to convert into a new religion; and could select a new God, because of the bitterness with their original God, because of their assumptions that their original God failed to protect them at the time of troubles.

6. The Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives would remain disjointed (or) incommunicado (or) isolated with the people from their own race/caste/linguistic/ideology.

7. The Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives would face difficulties in completing their research (or) doctorate (or) PG level studies.

Note to Readers: If you want to calculate the Shani’s Ashtakavarga strength, please visit the link in my link: HOW TO CALCULATE STRENGTH OFSHANI IN THE ASHTAVARGHA?

For monthly updates on Career & Finances for Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives, please visit the link in my blog:

2017 Shani retrograde from 06.04.2017 to 25.08.2017:

The Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives would find it difficult to complete their professional tasks (or) remain dissatisfied with their career performances.  The Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives would face confusion (or) irregularity affecting their visa/immigration process.

Shani’s 3rd View on Aquarius Sign (10th house) from the Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius Sign):

The Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives would develop high level on new entrepreneurial ideas and may work hard to bring it into reality.

Shani’s 7th View on Gemini Sign (2nd house) from the Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius Sign):

The Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives would speak out of turn (faux pas) (or) indecent manner (or) use dirty words (or) harmful words that could ultimately destroy their financial position (or) family relationships. The Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives would also speak in a more polite manner; and could speak more on spiritual and social issues too.

Shani’s 10th View on Virgo Sign (5th house) from the Dhanusu Rasi (Sagittarius Sign):

The Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives would power their skill and knowledge through their creative ideas. The Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives would enjoy good career prospects and enjoy good career growth with their specialized skills.

Combustion of Shani from 04.12.2017 to 08.01.2017:

The Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives would face complete stagnation on their career related issues. The Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives would face inordinate delays on their immigration/visa related activities. The Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) natives would experience defunct ties with their father, paternal relatives and grand children.

How to read the Shani Peyarchi (Shani transit) results? 

1. You must understand that everyone's Mahadasa will have more impact in their life @ if a person goes through an excellent Mahadasa period, his/her life would remain very comfortable, despite the unfavourable results mentioned under the Guru and/or Shani transits. The results derived from the Mahadasa period will have 50% impact on your life either in the positive or in the negative direction.

2. The next important factor is everyone's Antardasa period; it will have an impact on the native’s life next only to the Mahadasa results @ the Mahadasa period will have 50% impact in our life and the Antardasa period will have an 30% impact on our life.

3. The Pratyantaradasa results are also important, if the Pratynataradasa period will last for more than 2 months. In that case, we must take into account of the results derived from Pratyantaradasa period.

4. Then you must also take it into account of the results under the transits of all 7 planets (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Guru, Venus and Shani). Here the Shani transits a single zodiac sign for 2 1/2 years, Guru (1 year), Sun, Mercury and Venus (1 month), Mars (1 1/2 months) and Moon (2¼  days). Hence the transit results of Shani and Guru will have a more impact in our life, because of their longer durations. But the transit results of Mars, Mercury, Venus, Sun and Moon are also very vital in calculating the nature of lifestyle that we can expect for the future. Thus the transit results of all the 7 planets will also have a 20% impact on our life on collective basis.

5. Due to the longer duration of Shani transits for 2 1/2 years, it will have an impact of 10% in our life either in the positive direction or in the negative directions.

6. Similar manner, the transit results of Guru will also bring 5% impact in our life either in the positive or in the negative directions.

7. The remaining 5 planets @ Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury and Venus will have an impact of 5% impact on our life on collective basis.

8. You must understand that the Guru Transit results or Shani transit results or all other planet's transit results must be read based both on your Moon sign and also on your Sun sign.

* The Moon Sign is the Zodiac sign that houses the Moon during your birth in your natal chart. 
* The Sun Sign is the Zodiac sign that houses the Sun during your birth in your natal chart. 

For example: If your Moon sign is Rishaba Rasi (Taurus sign) and your Sun sign is Kumbha Rasi (Aquarius sign), then you must look at the transit results both under the Rishaba Rasi and also under the Kumbha Rasi. You would definitely experience the impact of the results that are mentioned both under the Rishaba Rasi and the Kumbha Rasi.

How to do the Pariharam for Shani to reduce the ill effects of Shani?

For details on Pariharam for Shani, please visit Shani Pariharam (RemedialMeasures). There are number of simple methods are advised. You can choose anyone or combination of any methods (that are available). But the period of Pariharam must be longer than 9 weeks and must be done in a consistent manner to enjoy better results. 

For those going under Shani Mahadasa/Shani Antardasa/Shani Sade Sati period on an concurrent manner, see the results under the WORST EFFECTS OF SHANI

The Financial Forecast Results for Rishaba Rasi (Taurus Sign) would be posted regularly. For results on all other Planets transit results for the Rishaba Rasi (Taurus sign), please visit my blog Rishaba Rasi (Taurus sign)

To know more on your Career & Finances, please visit my blog: Career Astrology

For details on Guru Peyarchi (Jupiter Transit) Results for 2017 – 2018, please visit the link in my blog: Guru Transit for Taurus Sign

For details on Rahu Ketu Peyarchi (Rahu Ketu Transit) Results for 2017 – 2019, please visit the link in my blog: Rahu Kethu Transit Results for Taurus Sign

For Personalized Horoscope Readings and Analysis on your natal chart, please visit the link in my blog: (Indian Readers) (Overseas Readers)


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