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Shani in the 8th house for Simha Lagna

Shani in 8th House
Shani in the 8th house for Simha Lagna

The Shani is considered as half-malefic Planet, since it owns the malefic 6th house & the neutral 7th house. Presence of 6th & 7th house lord Shani in the malefic 8th house would deliver the following results

1. The native would face difficult ties with his love/life/sex Partner (or) the native would face isolation/separation with their Partner (or) the Partner faces lot of difficulties in their life.

2. The native would face the prospect of chronic illness getting converted into acute illness.

3. The native would face serious difficulties on the issue of debts/problems/litigation.

4. The native would face health issues around the stomach/urinals/bowels.

The results are given in generic manner; and subject to following parameters.

1. The Star Path of Shani; and the Placement of Star Lord

2. The distances between the Lagna/Lagna Lord

3. The distances between the Shani and the 8th house lord Guru

4. The Placement & Star lord of 8th house lord Guru

5. The aspection & association of all other planets viz Shani

6. The conjunction/aspection/combustion/exaltation/debilitation could create either positive & negative changes in the marital life. 

Concluding about the marital life: In general, the placement of 6th & 7th house lord Shani in the malefic 8th house will create difficulties on marital life. But overall assessment about the marital life should be arrived by taking the below mentioned astrological factors too.

1. The Placement of the 2nd house lord Sun.

2. 2nd house lord and its ashtakavargha strength both from the Moon Sign & the Sun Sign.

3. 7th house lord and its ashtakavargha strength both from the Moon Sign & the Sun Sign.

4. Placement & strength of Venus. 

5. Good planetary position in the Navamsa Chart (D-9)

6. If the Partner has good planetary position in his/her horoscope. 

7. Good Mahadasa & Antardasa periods. 

Note: Even if a native has problematic position of 7th house lord Shani in the malefic 8th house (for Simha Lagna), the marital life would remain stable (or) successful (or) survive, if there are better placement of all these above mentioned parameters. 


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