The Last 2 1/2 Years of Shani's presence in Gemini Sign is called as "Viraya Shani". Let us see the effects of Shani's presence in the 2nd house (Gemini) for the Taurus Sign. 1. Taurus face unexpected hiccups in the family affairs. 2. The relationship with Father and Paternal relatives could be troubled slightly. 3. Though Taurus works towards the betterment of their family, the family members may not be fully satisfied. 4. The Business/Profession gives the Taurus, the much needed relief. The Last 2 1/2 Year period may not be very tricky for Taurus; but they the Taurus face troubles here & there only. The Taurus gains lot from the whole of 7 1/2 Years period and lose a very little during the same period. If the Taurus sticks to their original habit of God fearing & Law fearing citizens, then they gain enormously during this period.