The presence of Shani in the 12th house @ Aries means the start of Shani's Sade Sati or Elarai Shani or Ezharai Shani for Taurus Rasi (Moon Sign). Here the Shani is called Viraya (Expenses) Shani.
The Shani owns 9th & 10th house for Taurus Sign. The 9th house denotes the father & Paternal relatives and all the good things in one's life. The 10th house represents the income from business or profession. For Taurus Sign, the Shani becomes most benefice; hence the Taurus gets affected only to the lesser extent. Let us see the results of the presence of Shani in the 12th house @ First 2 1/2 Years period for Shani's Sade Sati.1. Might be forced to spend more on Father or his relative.
2. There may be huge expenses to keep all the family members happy.
3. The relationship with paternal side may fluctuate; but it will not go out of control.
4. Unexpected obstacles in smooth running of business or profession.
5. Downtrend in profit margins from the business/profession; expenses grows rapidly too.
First 2 1/2 Years, the Taurus might face drop in income and increase in expenditure. This could make Taurus to face some economic crisis. Depending upon the natal horoscope of every individual, the economic situation changes from person to person. If the Taurus learn to plan everything on financial issues, they face little or no problems.
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